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I came across this quote and it gave me pause. Each year in the UK 170,000 people go missing and are not found. That’s a significant number of people. We would increase that number a great deal if we included those people who have got lost emotionally. Those who are in loveless relationships but don’t know how to change things. Add those who are crippled from damage during their childhood, then add those people whose life feels emotionally empty. The number of the “Lost” is high.
Sometimes we don’t recognise our emotional absence. We carry on our daily life as usual, often unaware of our lostness. Except for an occasional flash of “Is this all there is?” The philosopher Thoreau observed that "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation": Whilst not everyone would agree in full with Thoreau, many can share his sense of lostness. Their life has become dull and lifeless. Rather like a cold cup of tea!
Relationships can feel stale despite the arrival of children and grandchildren - if they happen. Even Netflix loses its appeal! Work is fine until retirement, after which the days can drag. There is a sense of futility, of lostness about daily life. At the heart of this experience lies the question “Who am I?” That’s too much to attempt to answer in a short blog but something to be explored over time. So, come and see me and, together, we can think about your sense of Lostness and help you find a sense of Foundness. You can contact me on
aylesburycounsellor.co.uk , or email
Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash
““Out of your vulnerability will come your strength.”
Counselling can’t change what life brings – but it can help how you respond to it. Talking with a counsellor gives you the chance to step outside yourself and look at your life from a different perspective.
Not quite ready to make that call? I have created these questions so you can get curious about your life
Cert.Ed., R.M.N., Dip.Couns., M.A.
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