Want to speak to someone immediately? You can call me on 07931 500783. In person or Zoom available.

clarity depicted in a leaf


I offer counselling for those looking to resolve issues such as anxiety, depression, anger or bereavement and loss.


If you struggle to navigate through life with any of these issues, let's chat:

  • Abuse (Emotional, Mental, Physical, Sexual)
  • Anger management
  • Bereavement and loss
  • Depression
  • Low self esteem and confidence
  • Stress (Money, health, work)
  • Trauma (Experiencing/witnessing accidents, attacks, abuse, violence, wars, natural disasters etc)
  • Emotionally unstable personality disorder (Borderline personality disorder)

Talking with a counsellor has many advantages, not least the fact that we are not a family member or a friend. These people may not always be best placed to help you. As counsellors, we are trained to listen in a particular way and to share what we hear in such a manner as to help you understand yourself better. 

If you feel that you want to resolve some particular issue then contact me to make an initial appointment either in person or via zoom.

Counselling can help with a range of issues and help you think about what is behind these problems.

Book a free discovery call

“No matter what the past has dealt you, don’t let it destroy your future.”

Nelson Mandela

Terry Burridge thinking

Frequent questions 

  • Does therapy hurt?

     No! It’s not like an injection. But we will be looking at areas of past hurt so, yes, there may be some pain, sometimes. The early days of therapy can be difficult so it might be worth giving your family a “storm warning”!

  • I’m taking an antidepressant at the moment. Should I stop these if I come to see you?

    No! Talk to your G.P. about anything to do with medication. Antidepressants can be very helpful. They can stop us having too many duvet days and help keep our head above water.

  • I often have psychotic episodes and spend some time as an in patient. Should I see you?

    No. You might do better with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). 

  • I haven’t had a psychotic episode for at least a year. Would seeing you help me stay well?

    Yes. If your psychosis is well managed, you might well benefit from seeing me.

  • And what do you do? Aren’t all therapists much the same?

    Good question. I work in a way that tries to link your past with your present. It’s summed up in this saying “Don’t let your past destroy your future.” Only as we understand our past can we shape our future.

  • OK. But how will sitting talking about myself for 50 minutes help me?

    It can help because what you tell me here, stays here. I’m not a friend. Or family member who might be upset by what you say. And I will be an alternative memory. I will help you put the jigsaw of your life back together again.

  • But what if I don’t want to talk about something? We’ve all got skeletons in our cupboards. Why should I talk about them?

    You don’t have to. You choose what you do or don’t talk about. (Although I might ask you why you don’t want to talk about something!)

  • So I can talk about anything - the weather, my boss, my kids…

    You are free to talk about anything! Although in the end, the work is about you! Conversations about the weather etc can happen anywhere, anytime.  (And conversations about everyday things are also a way of talking about ourselves.)

  • How long should I stay for? I don’t want to spend the next 10 years here. I have a life to get on with!

    I agree. Hopefully seeing me will make that life richer and more satisfying. But how long you stay for is your choice. Some people stay for a number of years whilst some people stay a few months.

  • What if we don’t get on?

    Another good question. That’s one reason I offer a free 30 minutes assessment session. It’s not long, but it does tell us both if we can work together.

How Therapy Works


We ‘meet’ each other over an introductory call.


You feel apprehensive in our first session but soon relax into chatting and sharing your thoughts.


I listen really well to what you are saying.


Through my training and experience, I am able to help you make sense of your thoughts.


We work together to to unpack what is holding you back and how you feel.


Over time we acknowledge the influence of the past but look to the present and future. You start to feel more confident within yourself.

"Don't let the past dictate your future"

Bill Johnson


Common Issues Covered

Let's Talk

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